Monthly Archives: July 2014

Morning statistics – Coffee beans & grounds, weight and servings

Morning Coffee statisticsThis morning, coffee was on the menu.

While preparing the french press and noticing my tiny air-tight jar was empty, wherein I store a few cups-worth of fresh grounds, I also glanced at my digital kitchen food scale.  Hmm.

So following is some statistics I did over about 5 minutes, useful for anyone, anywhere, who is interested in figuring out their coffee consumption. Happy caffeinating!

4 tbsp unground coffee beans (aggregated)
= 28 g
1 tbsp unground coffee beans
= 7 g
4 tbsp unground = 5.5 tbsp ground coffee powder
2.5 tbsp ground = 16 oz coffee drink (medium @ Tim Hortons or many other coffee shops) at a good strong strength
2.5 tbsp ground = 12.7 g

Now my own specific use case:
coffee bag ($10 “le Caffe Metropolitan, 100% arabica medium roast” from Metro) ~= 680g
680 / 12.7 g = 53.5 portions of 2.5 tbsp coffee grounds
$10 / 53.5 =  $0.19 per 16 oz coffee serving.
750 mL Torani coffee flavouring syrup ($12)
15 mL flavour serving = 16 oz coffee (my particular average flavouring strength, sometimes less, sometimes more)
750 / 15 = 50 servings
$12 syrup / 50 servings = $0.25 per flavour serving
Approximate grand totals:
$22 for coffee beans and 1 flavour syrup bottle = 53 servings
22 / 53 = $0.40 per 16 oz.

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