Tag Archives: improvement

Optimism, self-development and word-of-mouth

Lots of things going on in life.

I’ve been lethargic/apathetic about a number of important parts of my life, and am really starting to focus.  Helps to rely on good writings by professionals in self-improvement.  Thanks, Brian Tracy!

A large-size whiteboard in my room has a number of papers taped to the perimeter, schedule for the YMCA, a story, a funny editorial cartoon.  Right in the middle, in big coloured letters are the two lines “START DECLARING AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENTS” and “MASTER TIME MANAGEMENT”.

So, that’s what I see when I wake up in the morning… if I look at the white board. hah.

A project that I’m developing, guided by a local real-estate agent, is turning into a minimally profitable venture.  That is good, because most projects I do are not profitable, and I’ve barely survived the last three years (sparing you the story about business partner who don’t pulling their own weight!)

It’s really nice to see projects being useful to other people, and enough so that word of mouth is present, and people start spreading their excitement of their experience with a product or service I have to offer.  Yeah!

Okay this is just a happy post.  I’m crossing my fingers.

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